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Turn Off The Auto-Pilot


Sometimes in life we're stuck in auto-pilot and don't even realize it. One day bleeds into the next which bleeds into the next week, then month, then year. We're surviving, living each day just to make it to the next. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, prepare for the next day, get ready for bed. Rinse. Repeat. During this time, you may not even realize it. You may not realize that your miserable, that your wife is unhappy and feeling ignored. That your career is going nowhere and your kids are growing up in front of you but you're missing it. No ambitions, no goals, no highs or lows just stuck in auto-pilot; and, the worst part is that you didn't even set the destination.

Something shakes you out of it. Maybe it's some sort of tragedy or loss. A sudden health scare, an ultimatum from your significant other. Perhaps, you just got a letter, or call from a bill collector, or a long-term relationship ended suddenly. Whatever it is, it's like someone splashed water on your face while you were sleeping. You sit bolt-upright and look around: Where am I? How did I get here? Who is flying the plane? And...where are we even going?

It's terrifying when you realize noone is flying the plane.

So, you sit down behind the controls but they're all a little foreign to you and what you do understand doesn't look good. The weight gauge is way too high, the fitness one too low. The finance dials are in the red. Your co-pilot is ready to pull the eject button, and the kids are running amok in the cabin. You take a peek in the passenger section. There are few people back there that you recognize but they seem disinterested like they'd rather be on someone else's flight. "Shit." you exclaim. "This is worse than I expected. Now what?"

The auto-pilot light flashes at you..blinking hypnotically lulling you into a state of complacency. Things aren't so bad, right? The flight has been relatively smooth, why not just let it take me where it wants to go? The problem is that what you don't see is that mountain not too far in the distance hiding behind those clouds. That auto-pilot will guide you smoothly right into the side of it...

If you don't want to go down in a firey crash, you're going to have to turn it off... But there's another problem. You're not sure if you know how to fly this thing and you're going to have to figure it out while you're already in there air. There's no getting a new plane, you've already got passengers on this one and you missed the flight lessons when you were younger or maybe you just forgot about them. Either way, there's going to be a learning curve and it's going to be a bumpy ride, there will be turbulence...

But here's the thing: that's OK. That's life. That turbulence is what makes it worth while, it's what makes you grow and what brings you closer to your passengers. You're in control now; and, you've got this. Pull out the flight manual. Fasten your seat belt. Sit your ass up straight. Get a good grip on that wheel. Now, reach down and turn that shit off...